Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dear Randall,

Putting the kids clothes on top of their dresser or in random drawers is not putting them away. If you are going to "help" please put them where they belong or leave them in the basket. When you place their clothes in random places I have to take time out of my day to put things where they belong, which is really a pain when our daughter wants to wear a particular dress and I can't find it because you put it with her pjs instead of hanging it in the closet with the other dresses. It is also a pain to find holes in brand new tights because they were placed in the same drawer as pants, which, BTW, have zippers, and yes they do ruin tights.

I understand you were trying to help me keep up with the massive amount of laundry that piles up every week and you needed the baskets, but please use some common sense. If there are pants in the drawer, guess what, that's where the pants go. Long sleeve shirts go in the drawer with the long sleeve shirts, etc. . . . If you have any doubts about where something goes either ask Nora or place the clothing in question neatly on our bed and I will put it in its proper place.


Your Loving Wife

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