Thursday, May 27, 2010


This summer AMF Lanes is sponsoring "Kids Bowl Free". It's great! Kids get to bowl 2 games every day before 5pm throughout the summer. You sign up at the website, pick the closest alley participating, and they email vouchers every Sunday. You also have the option to buy the family (adult) pass for $27, which allows up to 4 named adults to bowl 2 games every day.

Since it was so humid and hot today I decided to take the kids to Sawmill Lanes for their first ever bowling experience. Corbin and Nora both loved it! Every time Nora knocked over a pin she would squeal and giggle, it was so cute! Corbin would jump around every time he knocked over more than one pin saying "I scored a goal!" We'll work on bowling lingo another time. I helped both kids push the ball for most of the first game, and then let them try on their own. Nora still wanted help, and she was starting to get tired, so I helped her just to keep the game moving. Corbin on the other hand . . . he just couldn't get enough oomph behind the ball so it either rolled ssslllooowlllyyy down the lane or it got stuck. Halfway through the second game Nora was starting to have an exhaustion meltdown, so we left.

The kids had a blast and can't wait to do it again. It was also nice that the place wasn't crowded (we went around 2:00). Next time though I think we'll try to go earlier in the morning around 10ish, and maybe Nora can get through 2 full games before losing it.

Ready to bowl!

Corbin's ball slowly rolling down the lane.

Nora was fascinated by the hand dryer, and wouldn't pick up the ball until she "dried" her hands.

Nora watching the pins.

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