Here's a riddle for you moms out there . . .
What do two preschoolers do when their Mom leaves the room to go to the bathroom?
I'll tell you what they do . . .
They get their water bottles out of the fridge,
Dump the water in the sink,
Remove the straws from the lids,
Run around the house pretending they are magic wands,
And then promptly lose them in the basement.
Of course I had to search the entire house for these elusive straws because they belong to the water bottles we take when we go to the park or the zoo. And guess where we are going tomorrow? You guessed it, the zoo. 60 minutes later both straws were found and rewashed. They are now in the freezer with the water bottles, where little hands can't get them.
1 comment:
Anything that shape in our house gets turned into wands, swords, or lightsabers almost immediately.
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