Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Yard Work

Thankfully the weather this past weekend was perfect to get massive amounts of yard work and gardening done.

Nora and I went to the garden center to buy veggie plants for the garden box. I also picked up some daylilies and peonies for the flowers beds. Lowe's had grapevines and blackberry bushes on sale for $3.50, so I picked up one of each. I have no idea where we're going to put another blackberry bush, but I'll put it somewhere. The grape vine is more complicated since we need to build an arbor for it. Eventually I would like to have a large arbor where I can put some seating, but since we only have the one vine I think we'll build a small temporary structure. We'll probably put it where the permanent arbor will be in a few years so I won't have to transplant the vines later on.

We also managed to get a lot of weeding and pruning done, and I finally got Randall (after asking for 3 years) to use the spreader to weed and feed the lawn. Our neighbor has been successful in killing the thistles with it, so hopefully it will kill ours.

After all the work we did this weekend I think I'm going to force the deck issue. No amount of cleaning is going to make it usable, so I'm going to look for a simple blueprint and get some estimates on wood and next spring/early summer the deck is coming down! So anyone that owes Randall a favor, I'm calling it in.

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